
land real estate agent

What You Need To Know About Choosing The Right Real Estate Agent!

Whether you are buying a house or selling land, it is one of the biggest things you will ever do in your lifetime. Therefore, choosing the right real estate agent is crucial. You may ask, “How do I choose the right real estate agent?” Here are some things to look for or consider when making that selection.

  • Trustworthy: First and foremost, you need to feel completely comfortable talking with your real estate agent. Choose someone you can relate to because you will be spending a lot of time with them. Make sure they feel real to you and most importantly, trustworthy. You want someone who is experienced, ignore all the flattery and promises. Finding a trustworthy agent can go a long way in ensuring your property sells at top dollar or that you’re buying at the best price in the market. Don’t go with an agent who promises you the highest price for your property, find one that has a proven track record of success and the skills needed to get you the highest price. Don’t ever be afraid to ask agents for testimonials or referrals from their past clients to make sure they check out.

  • Expertise: People use the terms REALTOR® and real estate agent interchangeably, but they are not the same. Not every real estate agent is a REALTOR®. REALTORS® are members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and subscribe to the REALTORS® Code of Ethics. This Code is strictly enforced by local real estate boards. The standards that they uphold and adhere to are much more restrictive and confining to conduct than those state guidelines governing agents who simply hold a real estate license.

Take it a step further and choose a REALTOR® who is a member of the REALTORS® Land Institute (RLI) as they are experienced professionals that specialize in land transactions. If you want the best of the best in the land real estate business then you need to choose an Accredited Land Consultant (ALC). They aren’t just land sales professionals, they are the most prestigious, experienced and highest performing land sales experts in the country. They have a proven track record of success in completing land transactions and are certified to have completed over 104 hours of education courses in conducting land transactions.

  • Connections: Having a good network of other agents in the industry can help sell a property faster. They can also help provide their clients additional value because they may know an expert in everything from conducting 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges to conservation easements. If they are not exactly sure about something, they have a national network of land agents they can easily reach out and connect with to help make sure their clients are getting the best value out of their property.
  • Tech Savvy: Technology advancements in the industry have provided more tools for real estate agents to remain connected while on the go, which is especially important in fast-paced market places. At the same time, these changes have also raised the bar for what it means to be a good agent. It’s no longer about possession of information, but about being able to translate that information into useful insights for buyers and sellers.

Looking back 15 years ago, the real estate market was a different animal, information-wise. It could take hours trying to find old documents and records that were buried in folders. It put buyers in a much different place than they are today. Not only do you get answers to simple questions much faster, but you can also get any document sent to your email without leaving the comforts of your home. With today’s technology, you can access detailed property records right from your smartphone. There is more transparency for consumers, making them feel empowered during a real estate transaction.

Technology enables agents to deliver more value through new and innovative ways to connect and communicate with their clients. Having software, along with apps and tools at their disposal gives them an edge in today’s market. These tools take the “grunt work” off the agent’s plate so they can spend more time building relationships with their clients.

Make sure to also take a close look at how the agent is marketing other properties and ask how they plan to market your property. Are they using a website, social media, and digital ads? Do they have brochures or information packets available? Is there an MLS listing? Drone footage? Property maps? Is there signage clean and up to date? Using the latest technologies to market a property can help decrease days on market and increase the final sale price.

Finding the right agent takes balancing credentials and interaction. You want to choose someone you like. Keep in mind, not all real estate licensees are qualified to assist you in buying or selling land. Their license may make it permissible to practice, but their inexperience in land transactions could be costing you thousands of dollars and potentially getting you or themselves into legal trouble. Do your research, ask for referrals, talk with the agents’ recent clients, and do some interviews before choosing the best agent for your particular real estate needs. Don’t forget to check for license and disciplinary actions with your state’s Real Estate Commission. All agents are not all created equal. If it feels right after doing your research, vetting against the above considerations, and meeting with them, then they just might be the guy or gal for the job!

Looking for a land professional in your area? Use the REALTORS® Land Institute Find A Land Consultant search tool to find an agent in your area that specializes in conducting land transactions.

This post is part of the 2019 Future Leaders Committee content generation initiative. The initiative is directed at further establishing RLI as “The Voice of Land” in the land real estate industry for land professionals and landowners. For more posts like this, click here

About the Author: Wendy Forthun, ALC, is an Accredited Land Consultant with 1 Stop Realty Inc in Kasson MN. She specializes in farmland sales, management and 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges.

Real Estate Buyer Online Research Trends To Leverage In 2019

“Know your customer:” This rule is more than just a requirement for financial institutions, it also simply makes good business sense. While banks are required to heed this old adage, there is benefit to be found from all business in taking this simple phrase of advice to heart, and it is certainly relevant to the modern-day real estate industry. Where your next client comes from may be the key to selling your land listing, and leaving it to chance that they might drive by your listing and see your yard sign, or possibly drop in during floor hours limits the scope of landing that next client. As the US becomes more digital in every faction, the start of 2019 is a great time to review your virtual footprint and evaluate the impact of your online marketing efforts. If you truly ‘know your customer’, you won’t have to wait to find them – they will find you.

The Statistics

In an effort to better understand your future clientele, it would be wise to first look at how they prefer to interact with the industry. In their 2018 report: “Real Estate in a Digital Age” the National Association of REALTORS® Research Group notes the following statistics:

  1. “In 1981, 22% of home buyers read newspaper ads to find a home…in 2018, 44% looked for properties online first.”
  2. “In 2018, buyers worked with an agent 87% of the time…”
  3. “The typical buyer used a mobile device to search for properties online. S/he looked at websites with photos, home listings, and information about the home buying process. S/he then contacted an agent…”
  4. 93% [of buyers] used an online website, 73% used mobile website or app, 53% attended an open house, and 46% were introduced via a yard sign
  5. 87% [of buyers] found photos very useful, 85% found detailed property info useful
  6. 56% of all generations of buyers listed ‘finding the right property’ as the most difficult step in home buying

So what do these statics mean in finding your next client? Thankfully, it is all good news for the REALTOR®, as buyers vastly still prefer to work with an agent to close the deal. However, it is important to note that whereas previous generations appeared to have starting working with an agent as the first step in the buying process, current buyers are trending more towards researching properties online first. This does not necessarily mean the buyer pool is failing to reach out to an agent. It does however imply that by the time they do reach out to you, the buyer may have already formulated a viewpoint as to the current condition of the market, and might have also made an opinion on the agents representing the market and which may best serve their needs as a potential buyer. What this should signal to all land agents is that online first impressions are key in attracting the largest pool of potential clients, and the clients that do filter through to you are more knowledgeable, better researched, and more tech-savvy than generations of buyers in the past.

A Modern Day Application

Luckily, taking advantage of these statistics to your benefit is simple, and should be a process in every agent’s yearly marketing effort review. Even though these statistics were quoted from the broader real estate industry, their lessons are still applicable to the specialty of land real estate markets throughout the country. Knowing that 9 out 10 of buyers used a website, with 7 out of 10 researching properties via a mobile device, any good agent should ensure their web presence matches these up-and-coming trends and they are maximizing the extent of their online influence with websites, aggregations tools, and social media. Greater than 8 in 10 buyers found photos and detailed property information the most important considerations in their research, meaning agents should focus on spending time and resources ensuring their property photos and online descriptions are high quality, impactful and thorough.

Finally, with over half of all buyers noting that ‘finding the right property’ was one of the most difficult steps in the real estate process, there is vast opportunity for any agent to capitalize on reaching these future clients. Focusing on creating a carefully curated and dedicated online presence of their own, an agent can ensure that future clients find the right property not on their own – but in collaboration with your knowledge, guidance and assistance from the start of the process, all the way through the closing.

Here are some quick, actionable how-to tips for agents looking to capitalize on their online influence review – ensuring you get the most benefit from the time and money you chose to invest:

  1. Find Yourself

Conduct a digital audit on your current listings from the buyer’s perspective. Pretend you are the ideal buyer for your property – try to search online for your listings and see how easy they are to find, navigate to, and engage with. Do the same for your name and area of real estate expertise. This will allow you to better understand and empathize with a prospective buyer’s experience in finding and engaging with you and your business.

2. Consider Social Media

It’s time to hit social media and build your brand – Focus on Facebook and Instagram, but make sure you dedicate yourself to those platforms. It takes consistent content posts and updates to stay engaged with your audience. Also, don’t forget to respond in a timely manner. Many users choose to engage solely via social media, and if you allow for comments or posts on your accounts, your audience will be waiting for, and expecting, your response.

     3. Competition Analysis

While conducting your digital audit on yourself and your business, look at what competitors are showing up in the search results ahead of you. Actively consider what you can do to increase your brand reach and recognition; from search engine optimization to listing aggregation management, to move yourself up on the search result list. If you can experience a buyer’s perspective in finding your competition, you might try to emulate that experience on your own business. Take a page from their playbook to put yourself in a more competitive position to win future clientele.

For information about building up your online influence, both the RLI and your local chapters have helpful information and toolkits available to their members.

Now that you have a better idea of who your customer is in 2019 and beyond, it’s time to get online, introduce yourself to the virtual buyer world, and get to know them better. Because if you’re doing it right – they already know all about you!

Cited Works: “Real Estate in a Digital Age”, National Association of Realtors®, 2018


Author: Chris Noonan, RPL, MSc, is the President and Co-founder of White River Ranch Marketing LLC. An AAPL Registered Professional Landman, Chris is lending his decade plus of experience in land contracts, ranch buying, mapping and land use affairs to the farm and ranchland real estate industry via his startup, WRRM – designed to expand the virtual impact of land brokers and their listings throughout the US. Chris is an affiliate member of the REALTORS® Land Institute and his company has listed an exclusive offer a part of RLI’s Member Advantage Program (MAP).


Want to Sell Your Listing Faster?

Do you have an amazing property that’s been sitting there for weeks and you’re not getting any real movement? The amenities the property offers are everything any landowner could want, but you’re starting to think the listing may need a little tweaking? Here are some things you can do to boost your listing and get it to the finish line faster!

1. Maximize Your Social Media Reach

You may have already shared the property on your personal and business Facebook pages, but don’t forget to also share it on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Remember that each platform has a different audience, so you’ll be able to reach all kinds of people – some that are more visual (Instagram) or others that just want a quick read (Twitter). You can even post a short video clip on Instagram of things such as the water running through a creek on the property or a prescribed fire that just took place. And don’t forget you’re also able to post multiple pictures and videos in one post on Instagram!

2. Use Descriptive Language

The title is the first thing a person sees when looking at your listing, so make sure you’ve got a good one! Go back and re-check it to make sure it’s clear and concise and is a good description of the property. Use words that are strong and describe the property well. (It sounds so simple, but it’s something that’s easily forgotten!) So, if you have a property with 50 acres of timber, you’ll want to use the word timberland in the title and description. Missing little things like that in your listing can have big consequences, so make sure you’re using your words wisely.

3. Use Technology Tools

There are a multitude of tools at your disposal nowadays. Thank goodness for the age of technology! Of course, you’ll already have numerous pictures of the property, but don’t forget about other visual elements you can add to your listing such as property highlight videos with drone footage, panoramic images, interactive tours of the property and 3D virtual indoor tours of any homes that may be on the property. Just remember you want to cater to all types of buyers and different kinds of situations, like buyers that are located out of state who want to look at the property in person, but perhaps can’t at that time. That’s when tools such as our new interactive touring technology, Land Tour 360™, come in handy.

These three tips won’t guarantee 100 percent that you’ll sell your listing faster, but they will definitely help it go farther, reach as many people as possible, and help you sell it faster!

National Land Realty is a full-service real estate brokerage company specializing in farm, ranch, plantation, timber and recreational land across the country. NLR currently represents land buyers and sellers in 20 states. To learn more, visit

Social Media Beyond Facebook Part Two

Facebook isn’t the social media giant it once was. Yes, it still has the most active users of any social media site, but it is losing users (especially in the younger generation) fast. Since the land industry thrives off of social media marketing, we wanted to see what different sites had to offer land agents.

In part one, we covered social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. In this week, we’re going to look into LinkedIn and Youtube.


Keep It Professional

On platforms like Instagram and Twitter, there’s room to be a little goofy. The #farmhumor thread is hilarious! LinkedIn is more formal, so your profile should reflect that. If you have a professional headshot, LinkedIn is the perfect place to show it off.

If you are looking for inspiration, check out these ALCs LinkedIn pages:

Chris Miller, ALC

Lou Jewel, ALC

Kyle Hansen, ALC

Bill Eshenbaugh, ALC

These ALCs write and share content about the land industry. This shows potential clients that you are tuned in to the latest industry news. Bill Eshenbaugh’s in-depth articles have helped him become a leader in the land industry.

Get Referrals

LinkedIn is the best social media platform to give and receive referrals.

“Your greatest opportunity here may be to get referrals from other professionals,” says Tim Hadley, member of the 2018 RLI Future Leaders Committee in his recent guest post for RLI.  “If a busy residential agent stumbles across a land listing, they may try to figure it out on the fly. However, if you are top of mind as the land expert in your area, it would behoove her to send it to you and collect a referral fee from the expert.”

Keep Your Information Up-To-Date

LinkedIn is one of the first places people search to find professionals, so make sure your information is current.

“LinkedIn, especially, is made for business-to-business relations and is the most business-centric social platform online right now,” says Nobu Hata, Director of Member Engagement for the National Association of REALTORS®, in his guest post for RLI. “Complete your profile with a current pic, and don’t forget your contact information and website!”


Create playlists

Playlists make your page easy to navigate, especially if you have a lot of content.

One example of a great playlist is the Get the Most Out of Your RLI Membership playlist on the REALTORS® Land Institute’s YouTube page. You can watch the tutorial in five-minute videos, or if you want, you can watch all at once.

Good voiceovers

Nothing ruins a great video like a terrible voiceover. If your voiceover is shaky, keeps cutting in and out, or is muffled, you’ll lose viewers before the video hits the five second mark. You don’t have to have a voice like Morgan Freeman or Robert Redford to do a great voiceover! Here are some tips to make your voiceover ever better:

  • Make sure to use the best recording equipment you can get your hands on
  • Try to find a local studio or set up an empty room to act as one for your recording to eliminate echo and bad feedback in the recording – this will save you a lot of time editing down the road.
  • Soothe the vocal chords beforehand with tea or water.
  • Speak as if someone on the other side of the room can hear you. Speaking clearly and loudly (without sounding like you are yelling at the listener!) will get the best results.
  • Talking fast in a natural reaction to stress or just wanting to get something over with on the forth take (or the fifth or the sixth…). Try timing yourself when you practice to see if you are zooming through your voiceover.

Keep It Brief

Ever see an interesting video, but decide against watching it because it’s twenty-two minutes? When making content for your YouTube channel, focus on making videos ten minutes or, preferably, less.

“Remember that people only watch short videos unless there is a super compelling reason sit still for five minutes,” says Haldey. “A 45-second video with subtitles is better than a rambling five-minute video. Most videos are played on mute so make sure to add subtitles to grab attention.

Social media marketing is always evolving. Just when you feel comfortable on a certain platform, a new one pops up. We hope this two-part series gave you an inside look at different social media sites. If you haven’t read it yet, make sure to check out part one where we dive into using Instagram and Twitter to improve your social media presence as a land agent.


About the Author: Laura Barker is the Membership and Communications Specialist for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017.

Time Zappers

The biggest problem with time zappers is that so many of them are necessary to succeed in the land industry. Driving might eat up a lot of your time, but how else are you going to get a good sense of a property? Today, we’re going to look at how to deal with time zappers so that you can get back to focusing on what really matters: getting your clients an amazing deal.

Social Media

Social media is a double-edged sword. On one side, social media can be a great (and free!) way to show off your expertise, network with other professionals, and gain new clients. Social media is a great marketing tool, but it can also rob you of your time with endless updates, videos, and photos.

The Solution: Using programs such as Hootsuite or Informz can help you plan out posts days or even weeks in advance. It’ll cut the amount of time you spend on social media in half.

If you struggle with Facebook breaks turning from five minutes into a half an hour (hey, it happens to the best of us!), try setting a timer for yourself. You’d be surprised at how quickly those ten minutes will zoom by.

Answering The Same Questions Over And Over (And Over And Over…)

How many times a week do you answer the same few questions (what type of land do you sell? Where are you based in? Do you specialize in x?) over email, phone, or in person?

The Solution: Links are your best friend. Include links to your website on your business card, Find A Land Consultant profile, and anywhere else you or your listings are posted. More and more people (especially younger generations) will search the web for answers before calling you. Make sure your vital information (such as website, e-mail, specialties, and phone number) are available for any potential clients to find on their own. Also, always carry around a few business cards with you. You never know when you’re going to run into your next big client!

If you aren’t comfortable giving out your personal e-mail or phone number, you could always create a contact form. This allows people to send you their information and questions without spam cluttering up your inbox

Looking at properties far outside of your jurisdiction

Are you licensed to sell land in more than one state? Awesome! Do you find yourself exhausted from trying to stay up-to-date with land sales in multiple states? Less awesome. Land experts are known for traveling long distances for clients, but similar to social media, there’s a fine line between working hard and spreading yourself too thin.

The Solution: Being licensed in multiple states is great. The key to making the most of your time is knowing your own limits. Ask yourself:

  • How much time am I spending on each property?
  • Do the long drives out to far-away properties tend to end in sales? Are these properties worth the cost of gas/my time?
  • How much time will it take to complete the CE requirements for each state I’m licensed in?


A huge chunk of time for land experts is spent on the road. This is a non-negotiable in the land industry. Google Earth is great, but nothing beats walking around a property yourself. It’s the only surefire way to spot issues with the land.

The Solution: Not much can be done to change the time on the road, but you can change how you use it. You can listen to podcasts such as Let’s Talk Land or stream lectures on land issues. You can make your truck a university on wheels!

We know there’s no way to cut any of these time zappers out of your life for good. Social media, long drives, and crazy hours are all things that come with the job. However, by using these tricks, you’ll be able to able to make the most out of the most precious resource a land agent has: time.

About the Author: Laura Barker is the Membership and Communications Specialist for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017.

Social Media Beyond Facebook Part One

A few weeks ago, Facebook’s stock took a historic plunge, losing $119 billion in one day. It’s the largest one-day stock drop in history. Younger generations are leaving Facebook for newer social media sites, while others are fed up with scandals surrounding data usage.

Although Facebook is still a powerhouse, other social media sites are on the rise. In this two-part series, we are going to look at some of the most popular social media beyond Facebook and how to make the most of them to grow your client base as a land agent.


Instagram is a photographer’s paradise. The land industry thrives on this platform, as pictures of beautiful properties rack up thousands of likes. Chris Miller, ALC, gave us some insider tips for having a successful Instagram account.

Make The Photo The Star

“A picture is worth a thousand words” perfectly captures how to be successful on Instagram. Wordy posts that would normally do well on Facebook flop on Instagram. When thinking about what to post, think about what draws the eye: rich colors, sweeping shots of land, and pictures of horses on ranch land.

If you need any inspiration, check out Miller’s Instagram page. It’s an excellent mix of stunning land shots, short videos of properties, and promotional material for his real estate group, American Forest Management.

“I post tract photos of lands I have for sale, I do some iPhone video clips that I create in movie maker which I share to talk about tracts or land-related issues. I also just share really good photos of land pictures or land management activities that I think interest landowners,” says Miller. “I take some great photos from the side of the road or when I am walking a tract and see something interesting.”

Consider Using Apps

There are apps to make photos better, schedule posts for you, and track all your likes and comments. Apps can take your Instagram game to the next level. Chris Miller likes the app Ezy Watermark.

“I use an app called Ezy Watermark to add my company’s logo to my videos and some photos for brand awareness as well.  However, I have heard Instagram favors photos with no text so I do not use this on every photo.”

The Repost app is also a fan favorite with land experts. You can use this app to repost from other Instagram accounts. This is great because it can save you time from having to create your own post while still staying top of mind and providing valuable content to your followers.

Love What You Do

If you always get your thumb in the way, you might want to try another platform. However, if you love photography, like Miller, Instagram might be the perfect social media site for you. “I enjoy photography, especially iPhone photography. So it is enjoyable to me to take the photos and share them and then see how people react to the photos.  I think it helps tremendously with top-of-mind awareness among your following and makes people think of you in land conversations they have or if they have a need.”

Having fun with Instagram also adds authenticity and makes your brand seem more relatable. This helps to generate trust from your audience.


Twitter is rapid-fire takes on current news, different topics, and anything else you can imagine. RLI Future Leaders Committee Member Tim Hadley put it perfectly in his guest post for RLI: “Twitter is like a crowded club where you pop in and out of conversations and stay with the ones you find interesting.” But amid all the chaos, there are a lot of opportunities to brand yourself and meet new people.

Tweet Frequently And On Brand

The speed and vast amount of content of Twitter can sometimes feel catholic, but there’s a method behind the madness. Tweeting frequently keeps you top of mind for clients. Tweeting about topics related to land shows off how much you know about the industry and how in the know you are.

Take Mossy Oak’s twitter account for example. They tweet frequently (about two or three times a day). While they post lots of different topics (land news, hunting tips, nature shots, promotions for new merchandise), it is all tied around their brand.

Stay On Top Of The News

Who has time to read through a whole newspaper? Twitter keeps you up-to-date on not just national news, but also news specific to your interests. Check out hashtags to find content on topics you are interested in and you can even join the conversation and share your own expertise using them.

Track What’s Working

One of the great things about Twitter is how easy it is to see how successful certain posts are. Just click on your profile, click the “Analytics” button, and you’ve got a detailed report of the engagement of every single thing you’ve ever tweeted.

Hear What’s Being Said About You

Social media makes it easier than ever to keep track of what people are saying about you, good or bad. Follow your company accounts and hashtags to see what clients are tweeting about you. Google Alerts are also a great way to know when you or your company are being mentioned.

While Facebook is still a great place to network on, there are many other social media platforms that you can promote your brand on, meet other professionals on, and get your name out to potential clients through.

In the second part of this series, we’ll explore LinkedIn, YouTube, and one more surprise social media site!

About the Author: Laura Barker is the Membership and Communications Specialist for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017.

NLC18 Land Tech Accelerator Program Winners

Every year before RLI’s National Land Conference, companies submit applications of their latest and greatest land technology in the hopes of winning the Land Tech Accelerator Program. The Future Leader Committee then votes on the best of the best. The winners get to pitch their ideas at NLC. Learn about winners from NLC18 below.

Landhub, which connects land buyers and sellers via its website and social media, was recently named as one of The Realtors® Land Institute’s Land Tech Accelerator Company for 2018.

We recently caught up with their President, Kevin May, and asked how his site can help our members sell more properties.

Q: How exactly does LandHub help connect Land Buyers and Sellers online?

A: We have embraced social media marketing to help market our clients’ properties on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram and we are even posting local Craigslist ads for them.  We’re investing heavily in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as well as Google and Facebook ads.

Q: Can you explain how the current offer for RLI members works?

A:  We are currently offering TWO FREE MONTHS of our UNLIMITED LISTING PLAN which includes:

  • Unlimited Listing Uploads to
  • Free Promotion on all our Social Media Channels:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
  • Craigslist Property Ads in Your Local Market
  • Free Social Media Analysis

LandHub is launching a brand-new site this year and will be increasing its monthly rate but will grandfather in existing RLI Members for the rest of 2018.

Interested RLI Members can SIGN UP HERE!

Q: And how exactly does the social media analysis work?

A:  Our free social media analysis is a 20-page document that analyzes our clients’ current online presence and brand, including website and all social media profiles, and makes recommendations on how to improve them.  It’s an in-depth study we normally charge $200 for and RLI members are finding it to be a very useful way to jumpstart their online branding and marketing.

Q: What other services do you offer our members?

A:  We are investing heavily in SEO to drive traffic, and a lot of that has to do with creating content and backlinks.  We allow our RLI members to submit a blog post to our Land News section that gets emailed in our Sunday Land News newsletter and includes their bi-line and a link to their website, plus promotion on all our social media channels.

Q: How has 2018 been so far and what does the future hold for LandHub?

We’ve been growing rapidly and gaining market share in a very competitive landscape.  We recently hired Luke Hoene as a Senior Sales Associate.  Luke spent several years at one of the nation’s largest land-listing firms and knows the industry inside and out, as well as all the major players.  We are also building a brand new, state-of-the-art website set to launch soon which will bring even more tracking and analytics to our clients, as well as, a detailed buyer profile to make meaningful connections.  We’ll also be rolling out new social media management programs next month, which RLI members can get at a discounted rate.  We are land marketing specialists and our ultimate goal is to create a hub that connects land buyers and sellers while offering a breadth of services they both want and need.


Kevin May, President


Farmland Finder

“A rising tide raises all ships.” This is one of my favorite quotes and it’s exactly what FarmlandFinder has the potential to do for the land real estate industry.

FarmlandFinder is an online search portal for agricultural real estate. We have a process that involves automation and a dedicated team of professionals that tracks land that is for sale and aggregates auction and listing results. Website visitors can find this information with just a few clicks. We’re bringing a sense of transparency and ease of searchability into the rural real estate industry.

This ubiquitous access to information will increase the amount of engagement within the industry. When everyone has the ability to access land sale data with ease, I anticipate that we’ll see new business models be created in the land investing space that leverage predictive machine learning analysis, blockchain technologies and land-acquisition automation.

Unlike traditional listing websites, we don’t charge broker’s for placement of their listings. We believe that leads to an imbalance and unfair ‘pay-to-play’ model that simply isn’t the best experience for brokers looking to sell or landowners looking to buy. Our belief is that finding information should be ridiculously easy and free.

What we’ve found is that people like to know as much as they possibly can about a property, without having to talk to a person. They’re not looking for some misleading land value estimation tool… they’re looking for real data and the facts. That’s exactly what FarmlandFinder provides.

We’ve also learned that once somebody’s done their research and they’re ready to buy, sell, rent or invest – they want the help of an expert. That’s why we provide brokers and agents the opportunity to connect directly with our website visitors, in real-time. We call these experts PRIME AGENTS and if you’re interested in being featured as the local expert in your area, let’s talk! I’d be happy to help.

At FarmlandFinder, we’re just a group of humans trying to help other humans build the life they want. That’s why get excited about a frictionless future where everyone has access to all the information about land sales. We get excited about an industry-wide user experience that is pleasant for folks on all sides of the transaction. Most importantly, we get excited about creating a life-improving platform that helps you.

That’s who we are. That’s what we believe. And we’d love to provide you value, in any way we can.

I’m Steven and you can reach me at or give me a call on my cell at 712-720-3076. I’d be happy to learn more about you and see how I can help!



REALSTACK  is a digital marketing and software firm serving the land and outdoor lifestyle industries founded in 2012.

Today, REALSTACK is quickly becoming a leader in the rural land and outdoor lifestyle markets by providing sales driven digital marketing services and software. Ultimately, sales for our clients is what drives the marketing strategy and continual improvement. That drive and continual improvement led us to build a powerful internet marketing platform for land brokerages to help sell more land faster.


Interested in submitting your land tech for NLC19? See if you qualify here (Land-Tech-Accelerator-Program) and fill out the application. Good luck, and happy inventing!

Social Media And The Land Professional

First, we need to lay out the difference between marketing and branding.

Marketing is generally trying to sell a particular piece of property.

Branding is building brand awareness. Think of the tag line “nothing runs like a Deere”. That isn’t meant to sell a particular piece of equipment it is meant to be favorable and memorable for their company.

Now, we can go over some of the many social media platforms and what each is best used to accomplish.

Facebook is the online equivalent of a backyard BBQ. It is an informal place where everyone is at least a friend of a friend. There is a lot of opportunity to market a parcel but remember that it is better to post something intriguing that makes them ask you about it than to go straight into salesman mode. You wouldn’t walk around a BBQ asking “Who wants to buy farm land?” But someone who overhears you talking about touring a cool farm may ask “Where was that?” And it leads to a very natural marketing conversation about that piece of land.

This is an example of how branding can lead to an opportunity to market a specific deal.

LinkedIn is a more formal place to show your professional knowledge. Here is where you have a chance to build your brand. Your goal is become the ag economist of choice. Your greatest opportunity here may be to get referrals from other professionals. If a busy residential agent stumbles across a land listing they may try to figure it out on the fly. However, if you are top of mind as the land expert in your area, it would behoove her to send it to you and collect a referral fee from the expert. The idea is to show how specialized your expertise is and the value you add to a transaction.

Twitter is like a crowded club where you pop in and out of conversations and stay with the ones you find interesting. It is generally better to just do some branding and if they are interested in a particular deal they will contact you through some other means, like a simple phone call. If you create interesting content, people will like your post and possibly share it to their friends. Think about President Trump. He may be controversial, but he adds content consistently that all fits with his brand.

Instagram is similar to Facebook but is nearly all picture-based. It is an effortless way to tell your story. Take that great sunset picture over a pond. Don’t let a gorgeous sunrise go without taking a shot and sharing it. How better to show you spend your days on the land than to share pictures of land? This is a very easy way to build your brand. Then, if someone ask where it is, you can do a little marketing.

YouTube host videos. Remember that people only watch short videos unless there is a super compelling reason sit still for five minutes. A 45-second video with subtitles is better than a rambling 5 minute video. Most videos are played on mute so make sure to add subtitles to grab attention.

Insights for Land Pros

My lowest level and most effective use of social media is as an excuse to Call People!!!!

So, if you see someone on Facebook just got a new car you can click “Like” or you can call and say congratulations. I will venture to say clicking “Like” will not lead to a meaningful conversation. However, a call may very well end up talking about why I need four-wheel drive when selling land. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to see how we can end up talking about the land market next when I’m calling to say congrats on the new car.

Next, you must be consistent with when you add content. If you don’t engage with people, they quit seeing you in their feed. Put it on your calendar to work on Facebook at least five minutes at a time, twice a day to start. LinkedIn moves a little slower, so I suggest adding one or two good pieces of content every week. You need to make it a habit on a small scale before you can become a social media tycoon.

There are less than 100 REALTORS® with more than 50 videos on YouTube today. That means if you can commit to making one video per week, in one years’ time you will be near the top of the list out of all the members of NAR. This shows the amazing opportunities that are available for very little or no cost. What else could you do at such a low cost to be in the top 100 nationwide with no cash out of your pocket? Not much.

I hope this gives you a few ideas that you can implement in your business.

This post is part of the 2018 Future Leaders Committee content generation initiative. The initiative is directed at further establishing RLI as “The Voice of Land” in the land real estate industry and to bring valuable information to land professionals and landowners. For more posts like this, click here.

About the Author: Tim Hadley is an agent with Keller Williams Realty in Gladstone, MO. He joined the REALTORS® Land Institute in 2017 and is currently a member of the 2018 Future Leaders Committee. #cowboyrealtor

Make Your Own Luck as a Land Real Estate Professional

With the Kentucky Derby right around the corner, horse lovers are breaking out their four- leaved clovers and horseshoes in the hopes of placing their bets on the winning horse. In the land industry, it’s not uncommon for people to think luck is out of their hands. However, your odds at succeeding in the land industry are much higher than betting on this year’s winning horse. Here’s how you can make your own luck in the land industry.

1. Be Social To Increase Your Odds of Success.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you work in the land industry. The industry is so big that it can be easy to settle into a routine where you talk to the same group of people all the time. This can backfire for people trying to find new clients. If you are looking to expand your business, try going to networking events like NLC or meeting people in different areas of land expertise. The more people you talk to, the more likely your chances of meeting your next big client. Make statistics work for you!

2. Nip Problems In The Bud

The earlier you can address and fix any issues surrounding a property, the more likely it is you are going to have a successful sale. Instead of thinking “We’ll fix it when we get there,” or hoping that the worst case scenario doesn’t happen, address the problem (or possible problem) as soon as you know it could hurt the sale.

For example, is the title to a property so complicated that you’d need a team of lawyers just to understand it? Contact an agency as soon as you can. Suspect there are some environmental hazards on a seemingly perfect property? Instead of crossing your fingers, get an environmental assessment of your land. Yes, it will cost you a little extra money up front, but the long-term cost of not fixing issues with properties is usually much greater.

Being proactive about potential problems also shows clients how dedicated you are to getting them the best possible land and shows your expertise since you’ve considered all possible outcomes.

3. Find Luck In The News

Trying to stay up to date with land news can seem harder than selling land. From land laws changing almost every day to fluctuating land values, it can be overwhelming to keep track of it all.

While it is easy to get lost in clickbait-y articles, staying on top of land news is the key to making your own luck. Land news and trends offer insight into what can make you money and what won’t. Following the news is especially important before planting season. Knowing the current and predicted future value of crops is the best way to maximize profits. Following land news is also very important for those who are selling or buying land. The values of different land types vary wildly week by week, so by staying on top of the market, you’ll be able to get the best possible price for your land. Plus, having all that information only ads to your image as the local land expert in your market.

A great way to learn about land news and trends is to follow land experts on social media. At RLI, we dig through hundreds of land news articles to bring you the information you need to know. Here are some great accounts to follow:

4. Expand Your Area of Expertise.

The more you know, the more you have to offer potential clients. Having multiple areas of expertise can increase your chances of landing your next big client. One great way of expanding your area of expertise is by taking courses through RLI’s LANDU Education Program. Here are some examples of upcoming classes and webinars:

Negotiating Oil and Gas Leases (June 13)

Google Earth Mapping for Real Estate (June 25)

Gaining Community Support for Land Use Projects (May 16th)

Land Investment Analysis (September 4th)

Taught by land experts, these classes are designed to help you expand your knowledge to attract more clients. You’ll also have access to a large network of other land experts who you can learn from, including fellow students and the instructors.

While there some factors that are out of your control, being lucky in the land industry is largely in your own hands. Proactive problem solving, learning new things, and keeping up to date with land news are all your secret weapons to creating your own luck. And don’t forget to check out all the great member benefits and resources RLI has to offer its members.

About the author: Laura Barker is a Marketing Assistant Intern for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017.



Seven Land Real Estate Social Media Marketing Tips

As a land agent, social media can be your best friend or your worst enemy. When used correctly, land real estate social media marketing can be a great (and free or low cost!) way to stay connected with people in your industry and drive traffic to your business. However, it can be very easy to lose potential clients or waste hours of your day if you don’t know what you are doing. Below, we’ve listed some tested and true ways to make sure you are in control of your social media, not the other way around.

1. Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr – who has time for all of it? Trying to have a presence on all of those platforms can be overwhelming and take up all your free time. Remember: the companies that are on all of those platforms (Google,McDonald’s, Geico) all have entire departments dedicated to Twitter alone. Your best bet is to pick two or three different platforms and focus on those. “You don’t need to be everywhere, you just need to be in the places online where your time and effort will have the most impact,” says Jessa Friedrich, MBA, RLI’s Marketing Manager. “You need to find your audience on social media. To get started, take a look at where your competitors are and what channels they are spending the most time engaging on to get an idea of where you need to be to have the most impact.”

2. Use Tools like Hootsuite to Make Social Media Less Time Consuming

One of the biggest problems with social media is how much time it eats up. You’ll post something on Facebook in the morning, scroll through some friends’ photos, comment on a funny video of a cat riding a horse, and before you know it it’s time for dinner.

Tools like Socializer and Hootsuite can help. These easy-to-use apps allow you to schedule posts on various social media platforms. You can plan out your posts days or even weeks ahead so that you don’t have to be checking Twitter every single day. Just don’t forget to be social, too!

3. Figure Out What Your Brand Is

To make the most out of your social media presence, you need to have a good sense of the image you want to project to your potential clients. Figuring out what you want your current and potential clients to see can help you determine what to post. Are you trying to:

  • Raise awareness of new products/services?
  • Raise awareness of current products/services?
  • Network with other professionals in your business?
  • Increase traffic to your website?
  • Position yourself as an industry expert and resource to landowners?
  • A combination of all these ?

Having a clear sense of what you want to get out of land real estate social media marketing can help you focus on what sort of content to produce.

4. What Are The Best Times To Post?

Timing is everything when it comes to social media. Even if you craft the perfect post, if there’s no one online to see it, all that hard work will have been for nothing. According to Sprout Social, a social media management group, these are the best times to post on each social media channel:

  • Facebook: 12-3 pm
  • Instagram: 3-4 pm
  • Twitter: 9-10 am
  • LinkedIn: After 4 pm

Posts during these times have gotten the highest amounts of interactions and feedback from users. When you first start on social, try posting on social media during these times to increase your likes and shares. “After a while, it’s also a good idea to do some A/B Testing by posting at different times to see which posts get the most engagement. Then, start scheduling your posts at those optimal times specific to your audience,” Friedrich says.

5. Use Video

Videos are visually appealing and require very little work on the part of the consumer – you just have to press play and enjoy! Nobu Hata, the director of Digital Engagement for the National Association of REALTORS ® says that video is one of the most relevant social platforms available for land agents.

“Whether you’re speaking on camera about tips to buy and develop land, using it to convey the size and scope of a land offering or re-envisioning what that land can be via digital mock-up recorded on video, the options are many,” says Hata. “The one thing about video that makes it stand out against its brethren is that it’s not viewed as a “toy” and a time-suck like Facebook and Twitter can be, plus YouTube’s little red “play” button has universal – and multi-lingual – appeal.”

6. Keep It Professional

You might not want to go to your teenage niece for advice on your professional social media accounts. Posting personal drama or your political opinions doesn’t come off as professional and can turn off your followers. That doesn’t mean you have to be serious all the time. You can post as many funny photos as you want, but remember that once you press ‘send’, that post will be on the internet forever.

7. Follow Like-Minded Professionals

No matter what platforms you choose, there will be other like-minded professionals to follow. Here are some great social media Twitter accounts if you want to get into the land industry social media scene:

Social media can be a double-edge sword. It can be a great way to reach out to new clients and interact with other professionals, but it can also be a huge time drain if not done right. We hope these tips will help you make the most out of your land real estate social media marketing.

About the author: Laura Barker is a Marketing Assistant Intern for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017.