
tree rotted

Does Your Land Need Curb Appeal to Sell?

Curb appeal – you’ve probably heard the term thrown around in the residential real estate world. Curb appeal refers to how attractive a house (or property, in this case) looks to potential buyers. It’s usually the first impression someone gets when they initially see a property. For residential real estate, the appeal of a house is something that’s very important when potential buyers are browsing, but does this concept apply to land? The answer is yes!

When putting a house up for sale, the owner will want to make sure exterior conditions of the house are in good shape. There are usually a lot of tasks that go into this process such as replacing old siding or adding a coat of fresh paint on window shutters. The same thing goes for adding curb appeal to land. While you probably won’t be doing much (if any) painting on a pasture or timber property, you’ll want to take care of some details such as overgrown grass or fallen trees that are rotting.

broken fence

If you frequent your property and keep up with yearly or seasonal maintenance, you won’t necessarily have to worry about curb appeal come time to sell. But if you’re a landowner who lives far away or just hasn’t had a chance to bush hog recently, there are some to-do list items to get to.

Here are some things you can do to boost curb appeal on your property before selling:

  • Make sure trails and paths are clear
  • Mow overgrown pastures and fields
  • Clean up large debris and brush piles
  • Add or repair fences and/or gates
  • Add food plots for wildlife
  • Plant native grasses, wildflowers, trees and shrubs
  • Fertilize weak or bare grass spots

These are just a few ideas that can help a property give a good first impression to prospective buyers. However, keep in mind that each property is different. While some of these tips could apply to one property, they might not apply to another.

If you’re interested in finding out more about what you can do to boost curb appeal and get your property sold quickly, reach out to your local land professional!

About the Author: National Land Realty is the fastest growing full-service real estate land brokerage company in the nation. The firm specializes in a proactive marketing strategy and a unique, research-based approach to buy and sell farm, ranch, plantation, timber, recreational, and commercial development properties across the country. Founded in Greenville, S.C. in 2007, the company now has over 70 offices in 32 states and counting from coast-to-coast. To learn more, visit or call (855) 384-5263.

Want to Sell Your Listing Faster?

Do you have an amazing property that’s been sitting there for weeks and you’re not getting any real movement? The amenities the property offers are everything any landowner could want, but you’re starting to think the listing may need a little tweaking? Here are some things you can do to boost your listing and get it to the finish line faster!

1. Maximize Your Social Media Reach

You may have already shared the property on your personal and business Facebook pages, but don’t forget to also share it on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Remember that each platform has a different audience, so you’ll be able to reach all kinds of people – some that are more visual (Instagram) or others that just want a quick read (Twitter). You can even post a short video clip on Instagram of things such as the water running through a creek on the property or a prescribed fire that just took place. And don’t forget you’re also able to post multiple pictures and videos in one post on Instagram!

2. Use Descriptive Language

The title is the first thing a person sees when looking at your listing, so make sure you’ve got a good one! Go back and re-check it to make sure it’s clear and concise and is a good description of the property. Use words that are strong and describe the property well. (It sounds so simple, but it’s something that’s easily forgotten!) So, if you have a property with 50 acres of timber, you’ll want to use the word timberland in the title and description. Missing little things like that in your listing can have big consequences, so make sure you’re using your words wisely.

3. Use Technology Tools

There are a multitude of tools at your disposal nowadays. Thank goodness for the age of technology! Of course, you’ll already have numerous pictures of the property, but don’t forget about other visual elements you can add to your listing such as property highlight videos with drone footage, panoramic images, interactive tours of the property and 3D virtual indoor tours of any homes that may be on the property. Just remember you want to cater to all types of buyers and different kinds of situations, like buyers that are located out of state who want to look at the property in person, but perhaps can’t at that time. That’s when tools such as our new interactive touring technology, Land Tour 360™, come in handy.

These three tips won’t guarantee 100 percent that you’ll sell your listing faster, but they will definitely help it go farther, reach as many people as possible, and help you sell it faster!

National Land Realty is a full-service real estate brokerage company specializing in farm, ranch, plantation, timber and recreational land across the country. NLR currently represents land buyers and sellers in 20 states. To learn more, visit